Tuesday, July 30, 2013

July 25 Board Meeting

July 25, 2013
CVCA Board Meeting
 Members Present:  Durel, Diane, Sandy, Richard, LaToya, Bartlyn, Judy, Ed
Members Absent: Doc
 The meeting was opened at 5:37
The minutes of the June 27 meeting were formally approved.
 The roofing projects are going well except for the few buildings that need extensive work.  Requests to the insurance company for reimbursement have been submitted. The major work will be started as soon we receive that money.  There are some corrections that have to be made on Building 16.  Doug Mayo and LAS are working to correct   them.  As soon as those kinks are worked out, they will begin work on the next units in the first phase. 
 Judy and Ed joined the meeting at this point.
 Michelle Pallizatto has been hired to work in the office.  She is doing well.  Darin is still working on a per hour basis.  Bartlyn was authorized to order shirts for both of them.  They will be maroon with a white logo.  The possibility of getting a second -hand golf cart for use on the property was discussed.  This would be cheaper that reimbursing employees for the use of their personal vehicles for traveling around Chardonnay.  Diane will look into this.
 The spacing between the uprights on the wrought iron fence around is a little too wide according to the new codes.  Durel is discussing this with our insurance representative. If it is necessary to do something about this, there is a flexible screen that can go behind it at little cost and would fulfill the new requirements.  There is a problem with the drain cover of the pool.  This will need to be checked and, if necessary, fixed.  We will train both Michelle and Darin to keep the chemicals in balance.
 The tennis courts have been cleaned and the nets will be put up tomorrow.  Rather than bocce courts , we will look into turning the third court  into a volleyball court at some time in the future.  We will also look into using a compound to repair the crack.  The pole along the bottom of one section of the fence is missing and will need to be replaced.
 Bartlyn presented a sample of the logo for use on the front entrances.  If we use 4'x4' signs, we could get four signs for about $4,000.00   Discussion of making a new sign just like the original one and only getting one new sign exactly like the original one and refurbishing the old one followed.  The directional signs will cost about $250.00 per sign installed. Richard suggested that the new directional signs be placed under the light poles so that they can be seen at night.  Diane moved and Richard seconded that we make one sign exactly like the original and refurbish the one we still have.  This passed unanimously. 
 Work on the lift station has been completed and there should be no problem in the future.  The company is expensive and the City of Kenner has given us a list of names of the people they use.  If we should need future work, we will call one of them.
 Entergy is looking at the electrical poles both in terms of their condition and their proximity to the building.  Entergy is claiming that the poles were there before the buildings were put up and the original contractors  put the buildings too close to the poles.  The board continue to work on this.
 Ed suggested we get a get-wall card for Doc from the board.  All agreed.
 It was decided that the full-page size format will be used for the Rules and Regulations. 
 The definition of "single family" was discussed.  Durel will look into this with the attorney.  Also, discussion took place on how the moratorium on leasing units will be disseminated.  The need for a web site with this type of information was also discussed.  Diane moved and Richard seconded that the board publicize that there is a moratorium on all future leasing or subleasing beginning August 1, 2013.   There were seven in favor and one opposed.  The motion carried.
  A new lawsuit has been filed against Chardonnay dealing with our responsibility to supervise the behavior of pets on the property.
 Richard looked into replacing the cracked "red" tiles.  It would require closing the pool for five to seven days.  It will cost about $15,000.00   The contractor is willing to accept partial payment and we can pay the rest on a monthly basis.  Durel would like to do a small section in cement with an expansion joint to see if this work can be done more economically.  Judy suggested we get samples from two professional samples and compare.
 The meeting was closed at 7:35

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Tennis Courts

Nets have been added to the tennis court nearest the office and it is ready for play!!!  The other two courts are in progress.  As soon as the surfaces have been repaired, appropriate nets will be added.  Watch for continuing improvements in this area of our complex.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Kenner Community Listening Sessions

Kenner Schedules District "Community Listening Sessions" Moving Forward with 2030 Plan Recommendations
The "Kenner 2030 Plan for Prosperous Future" was developed by Kenner Mayor Michael S. Yenni's 41-member Economic Development Committee which was organized two years ago to develop a plan to promote a more prosperous economic climate in the city.  One part of the comprehensive plan suggested hosting a series of listening sessions for residents. A session was held in February as a "test run" and residents citywide were invited and attended.  In the coming months, one session will be held in each council district.  Mayor Yenni and the council members associated to each district are scheduled to attend to listen to resident concerns in an informal setting.
In accordance with the recommendations of the Kenner 2030 Plan, Community Listening Sessions will take place in each council district progressing numerically as follows:
Council District 4 – Wednesday, August 28, 2013 at Kenner City Park Pavilion – 3800 Loyola
All meetings will begin at 7:30 p.m. and doors will open 15 minutes prior to start time.  While open to the public, these sessions are intended to listen to specific concerns from each council district in smaller settings. To find a boundary map of each council district, visit http://www.kenner.la.us/2/KennerExisting.pdf.
The intention of the listening sessions is to foster greater public trust in the transparency and effectiveness of city government.  Kenner Deputy Chief Administrative Officer Natalie Newton said the community listening sessions can have a great impact. "These sessions can reach far and wide to bring Kenner together as a community. My hope is to get as many people involved as possible as we work together to move Kenner forward. As Mayor Yenni has stated 'cooperation and community' are what will make us a 'community of choice.'" said Newton.
As it becomes available, updated information on listening sessions can be found on the city website, Kenner Facebook Page or via the Mayor's Office at 468-7240.  For questions regarding the upcoming District Sessions, please contact Deputy Chief Administrative Officer Natalie Newton at 468-7240.
The Kenner 2030 Plan for a Prosperous Future can be found on the city's website at www.kenner.la.us.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Trash Reminder

A gentle reminder:  our Rules and Regulations state that
" All trash must be secured in large trash bags to discourage animals from getting into them.  No grocery bags, cardboard boxes, empty milk jugs, pizza boxes may be visibly set out; they must be secured in large trash bags.  No garbage cans are permitted except in individual patios".
A personal suggestion:  a box of yard size black garbage bags can be purchased at a nominal price (only $1.00 at the dollar store).  Pizza boxes and most mail-order boxes slip easily into these.  That small outlay might save you a $75.00 fine.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Car decals

As of today there are 66 cars on the property with no permits.  Warning stickers will be going out in the next few days.  Any vehicle that does not have a permit by the tow date noted on the warning will be removed from the property at the owner's expense.  Residents should call the office to make an appointment to pick up a sticker.  The owner's unit number and the license plate number of the vehicle to be tagged will be needed.

From the Rules and Regulations:
Every resident vehicle must have a decal on the vehicle window.  This decal must be picked up at the on-site management office within five (5) business days of the start of residing on the property.  Failure to obtain a decal for each vehicle will result in a $75 fine.  These decals help keep track of who does not belong on the property.  The decal number also help identify the owner in case of emergency.

Please respond to cvcapropertyman@att.net or by using the comment button below.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Did You Know


 Our lawn care day is Thursday and we cannot get them on any other days because of their schedule.  If we ask them not to come on a specific Thursday, they won't be back until the Thursday of the following week.  So even though yesterday was a holiday, we had to allow them to come because the grass would have been out of control if we had gone two weeks without cutting in the middle of the summer.
 We all agree that we would rather not have to pay an assessment but it is necessary if we are avoid having our homes deteriorate even further.  You must realize that failure to pay the assessment will result in fines, water shut-off, and liens on your property.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Paying Assessment


Chardonnay Village Condominium Association
1500 W. Esplanade Avenue
Kenner, La. 70065
July 1, 2013
To all Homeowners:
As you have already been advised, the Board of Directors voted unanimously on June 24, 2013 to assess all homeowners for the months of August through December of 2013 to fund the second phase of siding.  As directed by our Declarations and By Laws, homeowners will be assessed according to the square footage of their units.  Monthly payments will be as follows:
                2 bedrooms/2baths        $95.62 per month for 5 months                 $478.11
                3bedrooms/2baths`        $115.18 per month for 5 months               $575.88
                3bedrooms/3baths         $116.65 per month for 5 months               $583.25
Please be advised that assessments must be paid separately from your monthly maintenance fee.  The processing of assessment fees starting August 1, 2013 will be as follows:
The First option will be:               ACH or automatic Draft on the 5th of every month.  With your authorization your assessment fees and only your assessment fees will be drafted directly from your bank account.  There will be no other drafts other than the ones you authorize under any circumstances.  Accounting Services Limited will need you to mail a voided check to:
                Accounting Services Unlimited, LLC
                3350 Ridgelake Drive suite 250
                 Metairie, La 70002
                ATTN CVCA@ASU
The second option will be  to mail a check or money order made out to Chardonnay Village  to  the following address:
                Accounting Services Unlimited
                3350 Ridgelake Drive suite 250
                Metairie, La 70002
                ATTN CVCA@ASU
Chardonnay Village Condominium Association Board of Directors

Please respond to the email to cvcapropertyman@att.net or through our blog http://chardonnaycondos.blogspot.com/

2013 Assessment

To:          CVCA Homeowners
From:    The Board of Directors
Re:         2013 Assessment
Date:     July 1, 2013
As we continue our work of bringing Chardonnay Village back to the premier complex it once was, we will need to increase our source of funding for the siding.  The first phase of the project is being paid for with restricted funds, currently in our Regions Bank account in Baton Rouge.  However, this will not be enough to complete the project.  To fund the second phase of the work, the Board of Directors voted unanimously on June 24, 2013 to assess all homeowners for the months of August through December of 2013.  As directed by our Declarations and By Laws, homeowners will be assessed according to the square footage of their units.  Monthly payments will be as follows:
                2 bedrooms/2baths        $95.62 per month for 5 months                 $478.11
                3bedrooms/2baths`        $115.18 per month for 5 months               $575.88
                3bedrooms/3baths         $116.65 per month for 5 months               $583.25
Please be advised that assessments must be paid separately from your monthly maintenance fee; please write a separate check, payable to Chardonnay Village,  for your assessment or authorize Accounting Services Unlimited to deduct the funds from your checking account.
We realize that having an additional expense added to your already strained budget will present a problem.  However keep in mind that when this entire project is completed, your property values will rise exponentially.
The Board of Directors
Please respond to the email to cvcapropertyman@att.net or through our blog http://chardonnaycondos.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Lost Keys

A set of keys was found in the street by building 24.  The keys have an orange number 1 key ring.  The owner can pick them up in the office.