Wednesday, November 20, 2013

November 6, 2013 Board Minutes

November 6, 2013
CVCA Board Meeting
Called to order at 6:05
Present:  Durel, Richard, Sandy, David, Bartlyn, Todd, Ed
Absent:  Judy, Karlon,
ASU Issues:  ASU's contract for next year was discussed.   Bartlyn moved and Sandy second that Todd be authorized to call Thomas on behalf of CVCA and discuss the services rendered though not to agree to a new contract.  All agreed.
Annual Meeting:  Everyone will help with the final stuffing of the packets. 
Ed left at this point
Budget:  A budget for 2014 was presented for discussion.  Emphasis was placed on cutting expenses wherever possible.  Of particular interest were insurance expenses pool expenses, bookkeeping expenses, and upgrading the buildings. 
Richard and Todd left at this point.  There was no longer a quorum.  The rest of the meeting was limited to informational items only.
Bids on Siding:  Doug has sent out bids on five buildings.  One has been returned already.  The expectation is that we will have those five buildings completed before the end of the year.  Sandy indicated that we have at least three different colors of buildings as originally scheduled. The buildings that will next completed are 23, 40,8, 22, 36.
  The revised Rule and Regulations have not yet been given out to all residents.
   Maria Defrancesch stated that our fire hydrants belong to Chardonnay.  They are our responsibility. 
          Someone needs to write job descriptions for the office manager and the maintenance man.  Sandy has some of this developed already; Bartlyn and Beth will help.
          If board members take on a responsibility, it is important that they follow through.
Adjourn at 7:30

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Election packet distribution

Board members and volunteers are delivering election packets to homeowners who live in Chardonnay this weekend.  Any that have not been delivered by Monday morning will be brought to the office for pick up. You may pick them up either Monday or Tuesday. Our by-laws require that they be signed for.  Any packets that remain by Wednesday morning will be sent to homeowners by certified mail and you will have to go to the post office to sign for it. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Election ballots

Ballot packets to homeowners who live in Chardonnay will be hand delivered this weekend.  According to our by-laws, those delivering them will need to get your signature certifying that you received the packet. 

Monday, November 11, 2013

Termite Re-treatment

Colonial Exterminating Company will be re-treating all of our units for termites. This is the five-year major treatment. In order to do this, they will need access to the patio of each unit.  They ask that patio gates in Buildings 1 -23 be unlocked from 11/13/13 to 11/20/13 and in buildings 24-46 from 11/20/13 to 11/27/13.  It is very important that they be able to enter every patio in order to control the termites..  Please keep those dates in mind.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Candidates for the Board of Directors

 Anyone planning to run for the 2014 Board of Directors must have their candidate information sheet into the office by 5:00 Friday afternoon.  The sheet was included in the mailing you received about the election.
Everyone is encouraged to give serious consideration to running for the board.  If new people do not step up, the current members of the board will have to shoulder the responsibility for another year.