Thursday, October 31, 2013

Street Closures

KENNNER, La- The Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development's (DOTD) Paths to Progress announces cross street closures due to the start of paving operations on Thursday, October 31 located on West Esplanade Avenue between Williams Boulevard and Ole Miss Drive. Construction working hours will be between 7 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.

Crews plan to begin paving on West Esplanade Avenue between Williams Boulevard and Duncan Canal. Once the asphalt overlay is completed in that segment, crews will start paving between Duncan Canal and Ole Miss Drive on Monday, November 4.

Current road closures will continue in addition to temporary closures of cross streets. Cross street travel will temporarily close for up to 45 minutes to allow the new asphalt to cure. As the asphalt hardens, cross street intersections will reopen. Police detail will be on-site to assist with traffic.

Every effort will be made to accommodate residents, schools and businesses. All planned construction activities are weather-dependent and may be rescheduled in the event of inclement weather. Paths to Progress appreciates your patience and reminds you to drive with caution. Also, please be alert for the presence of construction workers and equipment.

Paths to Progress is a transportation improvement program to rehabilitate, restore and enhance more than 60 roadway segments in Orleans and Jefferson parishes. With a combined investment of over $90 million, Paths to Progress is a collaborative effort between the Federal Highway Administration, Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, New Orleans Regional Planning Commission and City of New Orleans.

To contact Paths to Progress please call 1-800-574-7193 or email, visit, find us on Facebook at or follow us on Twitter at @paths2progress.



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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Ads on Web Site


Dear Homeowners,
Chardonnay Village is developing a web site which, in addition to the minutes and announcements we currently post on the blog, will also give homeowners the ability to vote on line and complete confidential surveys.  It will be professionally done and reflective of the appearance we want for Chardonnay.
On the home page, which everyone who uses the site will see immediately, we will feature special announcements and a series of ads which will help us pay for the development and maintenance of the site.  These ads will feature either a copy of a business card or a two line description of the business.  Both of these will also feature a link to the business website or a phone number for the business, whichever is preferred.  We will let the design consultant who is working with us decide which gives the better appearance. Before we seek ads from surrounding businesses, we want to give our homeowners the opportunity to purchase space first.  These ads will cost $100.00 per year.
There will also be a side panel with a pull down menu which will also highlight the businesses which support us.  Since these ads will not be immediately visible, they will cost $50.00 per year.
If you would like to get an idea of what an ad will look like, see 
If you are interested in placing an ad on our web site, please complete the attached form and send it along with a check, in the appropriate amount.  Also, please send me an email stating that you want an ad.  This is give us a method of double checking to make sure we get everything right.  By the end of next week, we will begin offering ad space to other businesses.
I know you will be pleased with the new web site and I hope you will use the opportunity to get your business quickly available to residents who are seeking your type of service.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Open Letter to Homeowners


October 21, 2013
Dear Homeowners,
While you have gotten lots of emails from me, many of you do not know who I am.  Let me introduce myself.  My name is Beth Michael Johnson and I have lived in building 14 for 17 years.  I am not a member of the board, but I have volunteered to attend board and general meetings and take minutes.  I send those minutes to you and post them on the blog.  In the very near future, we will launch our new web site and I will manage that. 
I am writing this letter to you without board approval or even board knowledge.  This represents my own thoughts and opinions.
Chardonnay Village is not owned by a development company which is ultimately responsible for its upkeep and financial security.  Chardonnay Village is owned by us.  There is no them, there is only us.  We have to see to the upkeep, pay the bills, negotiate the insurance rates, see that the grass is cut, and everything else that goes into the running of our complex.  Since it would be impossible for every homeowner to somehow be involved in making all of the everyday decisions, we elect a board of directors to do that for us.  They are us.  So we need volunteers to run for the board!  A full time job does not make it impossible for you to help.  Many current board members have full time jobs.  Feeling that you know nothing about running such a complex does not make it impossible for you to help.  If you live here you know what needs to be done and you learn the rest on the job.  Imagine what would happen if no one agreed to serve.  Please consider very seriously running for the board.  Call the office for a candidate sheet or email me directly and I will see that you get one. 
Secondly, I would ask you to take voting for board members as a personal obligation.  We can hardly sit back and complain about decisions the board makes if we have not even bothered to vote.  We need approximately 2/3 of all homeowners, not just those who live in Chardonnay, for an election to be valid.  In the 17 years I have lived here, only one or two elections have actually been valid elections.  The by-laws state that, in the absence of a valid election, the current board stays in office.  While that is not necessarily bad, the board members themselves would like to know that they have the support of the homeowners through a valid election.  When your packet comes, please take the time to consider the candidates carefully and then vote.  You may not know any of the candidates personally.  But read the candidate sheet.  Look at the backgrounds of each candidate and give a great deal of attention to what they would like to do as a board member.  Don't just throw the packet away, vote.
For most of us, our homes are a big part of our investment package.  Don't let apathy cause you to lose its value.
Beth M. Johnson

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Info on the crash in front of Chardonnay

Contact:  Sergeant Brian McGregor
Office:    (504) 712-2252
Cell:        (504) 442-1858
Date:       10/12/2013
The man killed in the early morning fatality is identified as Andre Isaacs, 24, of Kenner.  Isaacs'; who is from Florida, had recently moved to Kenner, Louisiana in July, and was employed at the new Costco in New Orleans. 
Kenner Police investigating early morning fatality
Kenner-The Kenner Police Department is presently investigating a fatality crash that occurred in the 1500 block of West Esplanade Avenue (westbound), in Kenner.   
At approximately 05:15 a.m., a 2001 white Acura Integra was observed by witnesses speeding westbound on West Esplanade Avenue, in Kenner.  Shortly after observing the vehicle, a crash was heard at which time officers responding to the area found that the vehicle had crashed outside the Rue Chardonnay Condominiums, located at 1500 West Esplanade Avenue.  The driver, apparently lost control, went airborne, and crashed through a utility pole and fence.  The driver a 24 year old male was killed, his death was pronounced on scene.   A passenger, a 20 year old female was seriously injured and transported to University Hospital in New Orleans. 
It should be noted that speed and driver impairment is suspected to be a factor in this crash.  In addition, as the result of the downed utility pole as the result of the crash, some traffic signals in the area are not operable and some residents in the immediate area are without electricity.  Entergy is on scene. 
Identity of the driver has not been released; this will be done once family notifications are complete.  Although the man killed resided in Kenner, the vehicle had a Florida license plate and was registered there where his family is suspected to reside.    
Chief Steve Caraway asks that if anyone witnessed this crash to call Kenner Police Traffic Officers / Investigators Patrick Gallagher (504) 712-2257 or Jacob Tolpi at (504) 712-2425.   Both are in charge of the investigation.  Kenner Police Department website:           

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Board meeting Oct. 4, 2013

October 4, 2013
CVCA Board Minutes
The meeting was opened at 6:30
Members Present:  Durel, Richard, David, Sandy, Ed
Members Absent:  Judy, LaToya
All of the funds from Baton Rouge have been deposited into our account.  Funds for siding the first building came from the operating account because of the way the Regions Account was set up.  That money has now been taken from the Regions Account and restored to the operating account.
The crickets that need to be replaced will run a little over 2,000.00 each.
Doug Mayo has approved the second building except for caulking in a small area.  This will be redone.  The only thing building 16 and 17 need is chimney caps.  These will be handled so these buildings are completely finished.  All of the work is being documented for further reference.
We still have one payment left on building 16.  This will b e paid when Doug gives us the go ahead.
We will seek bids on the next four or five buildings at one time looking to get a lower bid for a larger job.  Doug will handle this as he did before.
Richard and Doc are working on the budget for next year.  They are talking with our regular vendors about prices for next year.
We need chimney caps for 16 and 17.  As each new building is resided the new chimney caps will be added.  The metal will either be painted or covered in a baked-on a coating to make sure these last longer.  All of the chimney and roof work that still needs to be done would probably run about 500,000. 
New Board Members
Applications have been given to two prospective board members to replace Diane and Bartlyn for the remainder of this term.  They have not yet returned the paperwork.  We will also need to seek residents who are willing to run for next year's board.
Law Suits
We currently have 11 lawsuits on going.  Discussion of the various suits followed.
Richard and Durel will meet with representatives of both ASU and the new law firm about problems that have still not been worked out. 
The meeting was closed at 8:10

Monday, October 7, 2013

Power Outage

Entergy sent out a bulletin that parts of Kenner are without power until about 11:00.  This is affecting some units in Chardonnay. 

Saturday, October 5, 2013

New Signs


 Be sure to notice the new signs at the entrances, this time spelled correctly.  Also be watching for our new web site to be launched in the next month or so.  In addition to providing information, as the blog does, it will also allow registered homeowners to complete confidential surveys and vote electronically.  It is in the development stage right now.

Applicants for the 2014 Board of Directors

 The board is currently seeking applicants for the 2014 Board of Directors.  Our community belongs to all of us and can only function when homeowners agree to become involved.  If you've ever said, "I wish they would....," you are an ideal candidate for board membership. 
If you are willing to submit your name for a spot on the board, contact Michelle in the office for an application form.  Please consider this.

T.S. Karen

 While current projections indicate that we will not have a great impact from T.S. Karen, it would be a good idea for you to check your patio and front yards for anything that a strong wind might send flying:  potted plants, lawn ornaments, pet food dishes, etc.  Bring these inside as a precaution.
Check your battery supply.  While they are not predicting wide power outages, there may be some.  Be prepared.