Monday, December 16, 2013

Meeting about Parish hospitals


Honorable E. "Ben" Zahn, III
Councilman, District 4
Greetings neighbors,
I am writing this to make you aware of ongoing negotiations concerning the East Jefferson and West Jefferson Hospital leases.
As you are probably aware, there is a pending lease agreement being discussed for both East Jefferson Hospital and West Jefferson Hospital. This management lease is necessary not only to save hundreds of jobs, but also to ensure the financial stability and mere existence of both East Jefferson Hospital and West Jefferson Hospital.
The Jefferson Parish Council contracted a Nationally Recognized company, Kaufman Hall, to review the numerous proposals submitted by different entities seeking to manage the hospitals.
Over the course of the past year, numerous attempts have been made to reach an agreement that suits not only the needs of each hospital but also the needs of the communities each hospital serves. Unfortunately, the two hospital boards, as well as the Council, are deadlocked with no resolution in sight. 
Kaufman Hall has recently made the recommendation that each hospital pursue a separate lease to end the deadlock. The Jefferson Parish Council paid 1.3 million dollars for Kaufman Hall's expert opinion regarding this matter. Kaufman Hall has stated that dividing the hospital leases is not the optimal decision but must be done in order for the process to move forward.
I have met with the East Jefferson Board on numerous occasions regarding the different lease offers. The East Jefferson Board has indicated that HCA would be the best partner for East Jefferson Hospital to continue quality healthcare for the community they serve.
Given the recommendation of Kaufman Hall, "to divide the leases," along with a second professional medical consulting firm hired by the doctors of EJGH, I am supporting the East Jefferson Hospital Board in their selection of HCA as their partner. The Times Picayune Editorial Board after a careful review, also endorsed HCA's  proposal for Jefferson Parish. 
There was a public meeting held on the Westbank where residents' concerns were addressed, and employees of West Jefferson Medical Center expressed their apparent choice of LCMC as their partner. 
A second meeting will be held on the Eastbank, on December 17, 2013 in the Council Chambers of the Yenni Building, located at 1221 Elmwood Parkway from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. This will allow public attendance outside of normal working hours for Eastbank residents and others, to air their concerns and hopefully support EJGH's Board
Presentations will be made by Ochsner's Medical Center, HCA And LCMC.
I am asking for your support and presence at the Eastbank meeting to be held on December 17th. We need to stand together as a community to express our support for each hospitals to choose their individual partners.  This will be a historical decision. It is the largest financial transaction in the history of Jefferson Parish.
Please join me, along with the East Jefferson Hospital Board of Directors and doctors, to ask my colleagues on the Council, to support our Eastbank neighbors and community. 
I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday evening. 
Kindest regards,
                                       Joseph S. Yenni Building,1221 Elmwood Park Blvd., 10th Floor, Jefferson, LA, 70123-2337, Office: 736-6622, Fax: 736-6639

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