Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Board Meeting, Sept. 13, 2013

September 13, 2013
CVCA Board Meeting
Members Present:  David Learned, Sandy Somerville, Richard Sanders, Durel Burke, Judy Miranti,
Members Absent:  LaToya Sessions, Ed Payne
Meeting opened at 6:32. 
Approval of Minutes: 
The minutes of the August 18 meeting were approved as presented.
Treasurer's Report:
As of today, there is 57,575.84 (pending payments are not included) in the operating account and 28,648.27 in the assessment account.   Discussion on the process for collecting unpaid dues and assessments followed. 
The money from the insurance company for damage due to Isaac has been used.  However, there are still roofing problems.  The roofer has agreed to continue doing emergency work as necessary with us paying the bills as we can. 
Doug Mayo is pleased with the work being done on building 17. 
Susan Kemna is painting the old sign using the paint that matches the new ones, but it will require a top coating to waterproof it. This sign will be moved to the back when the new ones are installed.  Two new signs for the front entrances should be ready in the near future.  Sandy will call to check.
Annual Meeting:
The meeting must be held in early December.  Starting next month, we need to get out applications for board membership.  Judy and Doc will handle this.
Preparing the Budget:
The biggest item will be insurance increases.  The agent estimates that it will run between $635,000 – $700,000.  With an income of approximately $900,000, this leaves very little for operations.  We will have to increase dues by 5% plus come up with additional income.  Fines for violations of the Rules and Regulations were discussed.  The difficulty of identifying the units that are in violation is a problem.  Richard and Doc will have work on the budget.
We do need a maintenance person on the grounds.  This person could also be charged with reporting violations.  While salary for a maintenance person was included in the 2013 budget, because of unanticipated expensed , we do not have the funds to continue having a full time person on site.  It will be a major item in the 2014 budget.
Regions Bank:
All of the information has been sent to Regions to recover the money for the siding.  However, we still need to get a statement that there are no liens on the buildings.  The statement is prepared and just needs a signature from LAS. 
We are waiting on the new sign to use as a logo.  Judy will call Sandy Ward to ask her to underwrite the first year of payments at $420.00.  We will also solicit additional ads.  Judy suggested that we seek one person in each cul-de-sac to assist people in registering on the site once it has been uploaded.
Resignations and Filling Vacancies:
Judy read the by-laws relating to vacancies.  We currently have two vacancies.  Both Diane Allen and Bartlyn David have tendered their resignations.  Joe Doerfinger and Susan Kemna have express interest in joining the board.  They will be asked to join the board until December, filling the terms of the two members who resigned, after which they would be eligible to run for the 2014 board.  Richard will call Joe and Judy will call Susan regarding the openings on the board.
Other Business:
There will be a board meeting on Sunday, September 22 at 6:30 and a homeowners meeting on Thursday, September 26th
The meeting was closed at 8:35

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