Chardonnay Village Condominium Association, Inc.
Rules and Regulations
Revised June, 2013
P.O. Box 64783, Kenner, LA 70064
Office: (504) 468-4958
Fax: (504) 218-8609
The office is located at the rear of the complex, near the tennis courts and swimming pool.
Dear Homeowners and Residents,
We , the Board of Directors, sincerely hope that you are finding Chardonnay Village all that you expect it to be: a clean, well-maintained, and peaceful place to live. We know that you will do everything to assure the quality of life that you deserve is preserved.
In order that our complex is well governed, please find the following Rules and Regulations that are binding on all homeowners and residents, This booklet contains useful information for homeowners and renters alike, and we ask that you familiarize yourself with all of the information furnished herein.
Any questions you may have concerning these Rules and Regulations can be directed to our on-site property manager at 468-1958 or by email to You may also submit questions and comments through the Chardonnay Condominium Association blog at
The management office is open from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm, Monday through Friday. While the office manager is servicing the property, the office may be closed during regular office hours. A telephone answering machine is provided for your convenience.
As always, thank you for your cooperation.
The CVCA Board of Directors
Table of Contents
Association Meetings 5
Homeowners Leasing Their Units 5
Dues/Assessments 6
Fines 6
Complaints 6
Resident Registration 6
Safety Policies 7
Paperwork Processing 7
Copies of the By-Laws, Declarations and Rules and Regulations 8
Key Security 8
Allowable Vehicles 8
Decals 9
Unused Vehicles 9
Parking 9
Speed Limit 10
Maintenance 10
Insurance/ Interior Damage 10
Common Elements 10
Property Appearance 11
Patios 11
Gardens 12
Buildings 12
Firewood 12
Household Garbage and Refuse Disposal 12
Signs 13
Holiday Decorations 13
Temporary Structures 13
Garage or Yard Sales 13
Storm Doors 13
Front Doors 14
French Doors 14
Balcony Doors 14
Windows 14
Burglar Bars 14
Unit Owner Contractors 14
Noise/Nuisances 15
Swimming Pool Rules 15
Tennis Court Rules 16
Pets 16
General Information 17
Association Meetings
The unit owners Association meetings are regularly scheduled on the 4th Thursday of the month unless canceled. The meetings are held at the cabana at 7:00 p.m. Notices of these meetings are posted at the two main entrances to the complex and minutes are posted on the Chardonnay Village Condominium Association's office bulletin board.
Homeowners Leasing Their Units
Homeowners who intend to lease their unit must check with the Board of Directors prior to entering into a lease agreement to assure that the ratio of homeowners to renter is not exceeded. (There can be no more than 20% of the units rented; this equals 55 units.) Failure to do so will result in water services not being available to rented units. The ratio protects homeowners who are seeking to sell, finance, or refinance their units. In addition, homeowners leasing their property will pay an additional $100 in dues each month.
Once permission to lease has been obtained, unit owners shall not rent the respective units for transient, hotel, or corporate purposes, nor can they lease the unit for less than a period of one (1) year.
1. Any lease must be in writing. The Board of Directors also requires that a copy of any lease as well as a copy of a duly executed background check, be delivered no later than ten (10) business days prior to the tenant moving in. Failure to comply will result in water services not being available to the renter.
2. Any lease must be subject to the liens of common expenses, easements, the Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws, and Rules and Regulations adopted by the Board of Directors.
3. Any lease must require tenants to comply with the Association's Rules and Regulations. Failure to do so will be cause for the eviction of the tenant.
4. The unit owner's lease must provide that the tenant's failure to comply with the CVCA Rules and Regulations constitutes default of the lease.
5. Any lease shall provide for assignment to rents and unit owner's interest in said lease to the Association to secure payment of any past due condominium fees/assessments.
6. Tenants will only be allowed a maximum of two (2) vehicles.
It is the unit owner's responsibility to ensure tenants are given a copy of the Rules and Regulations and that they abide by them. Notices of any violations will be served on the unit owner, and he/she will be responsible for any fines incurred.
Monthly condominium dues are due on the first of each month. Any account not current by the close of business on the 10th of the month will be assessed a late fee of $75. If dues are not paid in full by the end of the month, an additional 1% service charge is applied to the balance due. If dues become delinquent past forty-five (45) days or reach $400., a lien will be recorded on the unit to protect the Association. Future delay in payment shall result in water service being discontinued and/or further legal action taken.
To avoid additional costs, it is advisable that unit owners pay monthly condominium dues/assessments in a timely manner. Unit owners will be responsible for all fees incurred.
A $75 fine will be issued for the violation of any of the rules contained in this documents. The fine is immediately incurred if the violation is something the owner can easily correct. In some cases the owner may be given seven (7) days to correct the violation if it is something that cannot be handled immediately. If it is not corrected by that time, a $75.00 fine will be issued. After five (5) days another $75.00 fine will be assessed if the infraction has not yet been corrected. After that time, a fine of $25.00 per day will be incurred unless there is a plan of action submitted by the owner and approved by the board. The Board of Directors may also correct the problem at the owner's expense.
Complaints regarding the management of the common elements or regarding the actions of other unit owners or residents shall be made, in writing, to the Board of Directors and delivered personally, by U.S. Postal Service or by email ( to the property management office. The identity of the person making the complaint will be held in confidence.
This is your home so help us keep it pristine by reporting infractions of other homeowners.
Resident Registration
All unit owners, renters, and other residents are required to register with the property manager. This must be done within five (5) business days of purchasing a unit or residing on the property. Registration includes filling of a variety of forms for contact information. Unit owners and residents are also responsible for keeping this information current. A unit owner renting or leasing their unit must provide a copy of the lease and a background check on the lessee prior to closing.
Safety Policies
To ensure resident's rights to peace and quiet in their homes, and to keep the Association's insurance costs down, unit owners and/or residents will not be allowed to play or to ride bikes, skateboards, roller skates, scooters or roller blades in any of the common areas, which include parking areas, streets, and green spaces. Nor is anyone allowed to climb on patios, balconies, trees or fences. Likewise no one is permitted to throw or kick balls or other objects in the common elements.
CVCA has explored with the City of Kenner and with Jefferson Parish in getting help to patrol the entrances to Chardonnay in the mornings and afternoons when the school busses come. They have informed us that they cannot provide that help. Therefore the Board suggests that parents whose children use bus transportation, organize themselves so that designated volunteers patrol the entrances in the mornings and afternoons of school days to ensure the safety of the children.
Please note that our rules, as stated on the signs on the main street, state NO PARKING. Parents who are not simply dropping off or picking up their children cannot remain stopped for any length of time. They will be considered "parked" even if the engine is running. These drivers will be subject to fines for illegal parking. Parking in the street or at the entrance poses a hazard to the children and also blocks residents who live near the entrances from exiting their parking spot or returning to it. Under no circumstances can a resident park in a reserved spot while waiting for their children.
There is to be no parking on the main street at any time
Paperwork Processing
Before any paperwork (for selling, refinancing, additional loans, etc.) is processed by the Association, the unit owners will be required to pay CVCA a $75.00 processing fee. Unit owners must ensure their realtor notifies the property manager of an information required from the Association at least 10 (10) business days prior to the date of the act of sale of a unit. Those renting/leasing their unit must supply a copy of the lease as well as a background check on the lessee to the property manager at least ten (10) days before the lease goes into effect. They must supply the new unit owner or the lessee with a copy of these Rules and Regulations and return to the office a signed acknowledgement of receipt.
Copies of the By-Laws, Declaration, and Rules and Regulations
Each unit owner is responsible for maintaining a current copy of the condominium document including these Rules and Regulations. If an owner is selling the unit or renting/leasing it, these materials must be delivered to the new unit owner at the Act of Sale.
Key Security
For the consideration and safety of all residents. the individual owner is responsible for access to his/her unit for any service required. Chardonnay Village Condominium Association, Inc. cannot take responsibility for admitting guests, service people, and the like into units.
One key to the swimming pool and tennis courts areas is issued per unit. The key should be transferred to new unit owners at the Act of Sale. Lost keys can be replaced by the property manager for a fee of $25.
Allowable Vehicles
1. Primarily, only automobiles, mini and standard size vans, motorcycles, and standard size pickup trucks are allowed. Oversized vehicles are allowed under certain circumstances. Please refer to the Parking section below for more information.
2. Motorcycles, mopeds or other similar vehicles cannot be operated on the property except for the purpose of direct transportation between a parking space and outside the property.
3. No commercial vehicle or truck shall be permitted to remain upon any area within the property other than on a temporary basis, for the purpose of loading and unloading passengers and personal property or while completing construction work at Chardonnay. Any signs or marking of a commercial nature on such vehicles shall be unobtrusive as determined by the board. No taxi cabs, other for-hire vehicles, or oversized or flatbed trucks are allowed to park on the property.
Every resident vehicle must have a decal on the vehicle window. This decal must be picked up at the on-site management office within five (5) business days of the start of residing on the property. Failure to obtain a decal for each vehicle will result in a $75 fine. These decals help keep track of who does not belong on the property. the decal number also help identify the owner in case of emergency.
Unused Vehicles
All unused automobiles or vehicles of any kind shall not be stored or parked on any portion of the property. An "unused vehicle" shall be defined as any vehicle that is unable to be driven under its own propulsion and/or has an expired license plate/registration. All unused vehicles will be towed at the unit owner's expense. Mood towing will hold the vehicles.
A written notice describing the "unused vehicle" and requesting it be removed within forty-eight (48) hours thereafter will be affixed to the vehicle. The Board of Directors has the right and will remove the vehicle without liability to it or to the Association, and the expense thereof shall be charged against the unit owner.
1. No vehicle shall be parked, stored, or kept on the property, except wholly within designated parking spaces. Vehicles shall not be parked on any residential street or alley. No vehicle shall be parked in such a manner as to impede access to any entrances to or exit from the property by vehicles as large as a fire truck. No double parking is allowed. No parking is ever allowed in the fire lanes, designated by red curbs. Not only is it against CVCA rules and regulations, but the Kenner Fire Department. Violators will be subject to a minimum of a $300 fine plus a fine by CVCA.
2. Each unit has one and only one reserved parking space. All other places are open and are on a first come, first served basis. It is the unit owner or resident's responsibility to advise guests, visitors, etc., to park in unreserved spaces. Any overnight visitors must park in the unit owner's reserved spot and, if possible, notice should be given to the office.
3. There will be a maximum of two (2) vehicles, (cars, vans, trucks, and motorcycles) allowed per unit. The Board of Directors of the Chardonnay Village Condominium Association must approve, in writing, any additional vehicles above the two (2) vehicle maximum. If there are more than two (2) cars assigned to a a unit, then there must be proof an additional licensed driver for the extra vehicle is living in that unit.
4. Guests (persons actually staying with a resident) whose vehicle will remain on the property more than twenty-four (24) hours must their park their vehicle in the resident's reserved parking space and hang a visitor's pass, supplied by the owner, to the rear view mirror.
5. Residents will not allow friends to park vehicles on the property as a means of temporary storage -- for example, but not all inclusive, to allow friends to park on the property while out of town in lieu of parking at the airport.
6. One vehicle in the unit must use the reserved parking space.
7. Any vehicle parked in a non-reserved space for over seven (7) days may be booted and it will cost the owner $100 to get the boot removed or they may be towed off the premises at the owner's expense.
Speed Limit
The speed limit in all of Chardonnay Village is fifteen (15) miles per hour. Residents are required to obey stop signs for the safety of pedestrians. While children are not allowed to play in the streets or common areas, drivers need to yield to all pedestrians.
No repair or restoration of any motorized vehicle shall be conducted upon any portion of the property. No repairing or lubrication of vehicles shall occur in the parking areas or on the common elements. Changing flat tires or jumping a dead battery are the only maintenance/repairs allowed.
Insurance/Interior Damage
Unit owners are responsible for the interior of their unit, including all cabinets, appliances, floor, sheetrock, etc. Each unit owner should obtain insurance in his/her name for proper coverage of his/her unit.
For additional information, please see the property manager to ensure that you have adequate funds to cover the repairs.
Common Elements
The Condominium Association is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of all common elements, such as the pool, tennis courts, parking areas, streetlights, roofs, and walkways. Landscaping (except areas planted by unit owners), perimeter fencing and streets are also part of the Condominium Association's responsibilities. No unit owner may make repairs to the common elements or use the walkways and green spaces for recreational activities or storage. Landscaping is the responsibility of the unit owner and will not be maintained by CVCA or our lawn service. Failure to maintain your landscaping will result in CVCA removing it and charging the unit owner the cost of removal.
Property Appearance
1. No unit owner shall modify or alter in any way the structure or appearance of any patio or balcony areas. All patios and balconies shall be kept in clean and neat condition and free of debris and refuse. patios and balconies shall not be used for storage purposes. If a unit owner allows the patio or balcony of his/her unit to become cluttered or unsightly in any manner, he/she shall be required to correct the condition within seven (7) days of the date of the notice. if he/she fails to do so, then the Board of Directors may take corrective action, including the removal of unsightly items, and-or repair or refurbish the patio or balcony at the unit owner's expense.
2. Window and door treatments comprised of sheets, blankets, paper or aluminum foil is not acceptable. All window and door treatments are the responsibility of the unit owner or resident and must be kept in good repair at all times. No window air conditioning units are allowed.
3. Satellite dishes cannot be mounted on the building. If they are on an enclosed patio or balcony, only the top 1/3 of the dish can be visible from the ground. Satellite dishes can be mounted in a cemented, five-gallon bucket for stability. The property manager must approve installation of any wiring or cables in advance.
4. No cable wires can be run outside the building. They must be hidden under the bottom of the siding. Units violating these rules will be repeatedly fined until the violation is corrected.
Patios are not to exceed 10' x 12' in size. There are some oversized patios currently on the property. These are grandfathered in. Unit owners are responsible for their slab and should check with the property manager for guidelines.
1. Unfenced patios shall not be cluttered. They shall contain only suitable patio furniture and grills. It will not be used for storage of mops, brooms, empty planters, garden supplies, toys, bikes, garbage cans, an anything deemed unsightly by the Board of Directors.
2.. No hazardous items, such as paint, gasoline, or generators are allowed in patios even if they are fenced in.
3.. Fenced patios shall not be used to store items that extend above the fence line. This includes appliances, children's toys, basketball goals, and above-ground swimming pools.
4. All fencing material is to be unpainted, unfinished, treated wood (pine, cedar, or cypress) mounted on a secure frame. The frame may be either galvanized metal or treated 4'x4' hardwood. The frame must be mounted on the interior of the fence. The 2"x4" supports are also to be treated. All exterior material is to be mounted in a vertical position. Exterior material is to be 6' in height with a 1" clearance from the ground and a 3" clearance from the building.
1. Many unit owners and residents wish to improve their property by plantings. It is important to realize that unit owners are responsible for maintaining these areas or they will be removed at the unit owner's expense.
2. Lawn decorations must be limited to two (2) items no larger than 24" tall/wide and be of natural colors such as beige, gray, or brown, to fit in the landscape. They must be placed within a bordered flowerbed. This means that items such as flowerpots, furniture, etc. cannot be stored on the walkways.
A. red brick/stones, natural cement stones, scalloped borders or cement Design-a-Curb, like the curbing in front of the tennis courts, may be used for borders. No other borders will be permitted.
B. Addition of walkways/stepping stones of any sort on the common elements are not permitted without written board approval.
C. Soil added to flower beds cannot extend above the slab.
D. Any unit owner wishing to plant a tree or shrub in the common elements must obtain advance written permission form the Board of Directors. If a unit owner is granted permission to this request, he/she would be responsible for the maintenance and removal of the tree/shrub due to a storm related damage or to rot.
E. Gravel in the gardens, such as natural lava rock or white rock, is not allowed. No "moving" objects are permitted. Birdbaths or bird feeders are not allowed as they attract rodents and mosquitoes.
3. All garden hoses must be rolled up when not in use. Hoses should be stored on patios or on hose racks off the ground when not in use. Do not leave hoses on the ground, draped over fencing, or under bushes or a fine will be imposed and the hose will be removed.
Unit owners and residents will not be allowed to permanently affix any object to the exterior of the buildings, which are considered common elements.
All firewood shall be stacked one (1) foot away from the building and/or fence and at least six (6) inches above the ground. Blocks of concrete, brick or cinder-type, shall elevate the firewood. This is strictly enforced because of ongoing termite problems. Firewood must be housed on the patio of the respective unit and not on the common elements.
Household Garbage and Refuse Disposal
1. The garbage must be set out after 6:00 p.m. on Thursday and Sunday evenings. The garbage disposal truck does not come on Christmas Day or New Years Day. The trash people often come very early in the morning on pickup days and trash set out after pick up will be fined.
2. All trash must be secured in large trash bags to discourage animals from getting into them. No grocery bags, cardboard boxes, empty milk jugs, pizza boxes may be visibly set out; they must be secured in large trash bags. No garbage cans are permitted except in individual patios.
3. No large items such as mattresses, discarded furniture, baby carriers, electronics, coolers, patio furniture or barbeque grills may be put out with the trash. No garden clippings nor construction debris will be picked up. Hazardous items like gas cans, paint cans, or vehicle tires cannot be set out. Residents themselves are responsible for arranging disposal of those items.
No external signs such as For Sale and Security Company shall be displayed to the public view on or from any unit or common elements. Security stickers can be affixed to windowpanes.
Holiday Decorations
1. Decorations resting on or stuck into the lawn/grounds are allowed if placed within a bordered flowerbed
2. Inflatable decorations are not allowed.
3. Holiday lights can be draped (not nailed) on balconies/patio fences and shrubs only if the electrical connections are designed for outdoor use and the power cords do not interfere with the grounds maintenance crew.
4. A single, tasteful door decoration, such as a wreath, is permitted.
5. Holiday decorations must be removed and disposed of properly no later than ten (10) days after the end of the holiday. If they are thrown down on the common elements as garbage, they will be removed at the unit owner's expense and a fine will be imposed.
Temporary Structures
No structure of a temporary character such as a trailer, POD, or other storage units shall be permitted on the property at any time without prior written consent of the Board of Directors.
Garage or Yard Sales
Garage or yard sales are not permitted in Chardonnay Village.
1. Storm doors
The Board of Directors has approved the addition of storm doors. Owners have two styles from which to choose. The storm door must be white. Unit owners who wish to install a storm door should consult with the property manager prior to purchase. The door may not be modified in any way.
2. Front Doors
The unit owner is responsible for the maintenance, appearance, and replacement of the front door. All doors are to be painted white. The door may not be modified in any way.
3. French Doors
The Board of Directors has approved the use of French doors for the patio entrance but not for the balcony. There are only two (2) approved styles from which to choose and they must be white. Information on the styles is available in the property manager's office. No deviations are allowed.
Unit owners should understand that:
A. Installation shall be done at the unit owner's sole risk, responsibility, and expense.
B. Chardonnay Village will not be responsible for any damages to the unit incurred during the installation, or any future damages to the unit as a result of the installation of French doors.
C. Any repair or replacement of the French doors in the responsibility of the unit owner as wall as any expenses associated with it.
Balcony Doors
French doors on the balcony are not allowed. Sliding doors must remain bronze in color.
Individual unit owners are responsible for replacing broken windows in their unit. Repairs/replacements for windows and screens are the unit owner's responsibility.
Burglar Bars
Burglar bars will be allowed only if they are installed:
1. Inside the condominium unit and are in no way visible to other residents.
2. On the outside of the patio door or window provided that the patio is fully enclosed by a patio fence. The fence must comply with the existing fence standards.
Unit Owner Contractors
If a unit owner contracts with a company or individual for services involving digging in the common elements (lawns/grounds) or attaching anything, such as wiring, to a building, prior written approval is required from the Board of Directors. When asking for approval, the request must specify who is doing the work, why, what will be involved, and the estimated date on which the work will be completed.
If a unit owner contracts to have remodeling or repair work done, the unit owner must ensure that the company or individual removes all debris from the property. Some examples of debris, which are not inclusive, include carpeting, appliances, sinks, commodes, wooden boards, cabinets and water heaters.
All construction work may not begin before 8:30 a.m. and must be finished for the day by 5:30 p.m. All contractors must be licensed and insured if doing any work on the property. Proof of license and insurance must be given to the property manager.
1. Unit owners and residents shall exercise reasonable care to avoid making loud, disturbing, or objectionable noises. These would include, but are not limited to, barking dogs, playing of musical instruments or any other instruments or devices in such a manner that may disturb residents in other units.
2. No unit owner or resident shall be allowed to have parties or picnics on the common elements.
3. Fireworks are illegal and are not permitted on the property. A fine will automatically be applied to any violation and the City of Kenner Police Department will be notified.
4. No noisy and loud mufflers are allowed at any time.
Swimming Pool Rules
1. Only residents and their guests are allowed in the pool area. There is a limit of four (4) guests per unit.
2. Each unit owner was supplied with a key. This should be passed on to residents who are renting the unit. There will be a fee of $25 to replace a lost key. The gate is to be kept locked at all times. When you enter the pool area, do not prop the gate open or try to unlock it. This only lets unauthorized persons enter our pool area. The pool is only for the use of Chardonnay Village and their guests.
3. An adult who resides in the community must accompany any guests when they are using the pool.
4. There are no lifeguards on duty. Those using the pool do so at their own risk. We recommend that no one swim alone.
5. No diving is allowed.
6. No glass containers or pets are allowed in the pool area. Alcoholic beverages are prohibited. Residents who bring food into the area must clean up after themselves. Large trash containers are located in the cabana; however, residents are encouraged to take trash back to their unit for disposal.
7. The pool key unlocks the restrooms, please respect other and try to keep the restrooms clean. Paper towels or toilet tissue must not be thrown on the floors.
8. Proper swimwear is required. Children with diapers are not allowed in the pool at any time.
9. No horseplay, running, or unruly behavior is allowed in the pool area. Bikes, tricycles, skateboards, roller skates, or rollerblades are not allowed in the pool area. Residents must supervise the behavior of their guests.
10. Pool hours are from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. on Sunday through Thursday and from 6:00 a.m. to midnight on Friday and Saturday.
11. Only beach balls may be thrown in the pool area and in the pool itself.
12, Radios may be used only with a headset.
13. Parties are not allowed in the pool area.
14. The last person to leave the area at night should turn off the lights.
15. No one is allowed to jump the fence at the pool. Violators will be prohibited from using the pool in the future.
Tennis Court Rules
1. Only residents and three (3) guests permitted to use the tennis courts and they may not use more than one court at a time. An adult who resides in the community must accompany children under thirteen (13) years of age.
2, The same key that unlocks the pool area also unlocks the tennis courts. The gates must be kept locked at all times.
3. Lights are available. between 5:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m.
4. No glass, pets, bikes roller skates, skateboards, or roller blades are allowed in the courts.
5. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted in the tennis court area.
6. Proper tennis attire and shoes are required.
7. Court etiquette must be observed at all times. Court time is limited to one hour if there are others waiting to play.
8. There will be a fee of $25 for replacement of the tennis court key.
1. All pets must be insured. Proof of the insurance must be presented to the Board of Directors before taking up residency.
2. Pets should be limited in size to 20 pounds when fully grown.
3. All dogs must be on a leash when they are on the common elements. The owner must see to it that their pet's excretion is confined to the grassy area around their own unit. They must pick up all pet excretions and take them back to their unit for proper disposal.
4. No household pet, including cats, are allowed to roam free on the premises. Animals which are roaming in Chardonnay Village will be considered strays and animal control will be called to remove them from the property.
5. No pets can be kept on the patio; they must be housed inside the unit.
6. Pets constituting a nuisance may be ordered by the Board of Directors to be kept within the unit of the resident and shall not be allowed on the common elements. If the unit owner or resident does not comply, the pet will be ordered expelled from the condominium property.
General Information
1. The property was designed as a residence for a single family. No industry, trade, or storefront business is allowed in an individual unit. Only one family is allowed to live in the unit.
2. The private roadway known as Rue Chardonnay is and shall remain at all times in the future a two-way system, all in accordance with Ordinance NO. 2758 adopted by the Council of the City of Kenner on August 11, 1980. Speed limits may not exceed fifteen (15) miles per hour.
3. At any time, if there is damage to and/or repairs being made to any of the common elements, such as streets, swimming pool, tennis courts, etc., residents are not to go into or use those areas until repairs are completed.
4. These Rules and Regulations, recorded in Jefferson Parish, as indicated below, replace all previous versions.
5. Any consent or approval given under these Rules and Regulations may be added to, amended, or repealed at any time by resolution of the Board of Directors.