Friday, June 7, 2013

June 5, 2013
CVCA Board meeting
Called to order at 6:35
Members present:  Diane Allen, Durel Burke, Bartlyn David, David Learned, Judy Miranti, Ed Payne, Richard Sanders, LaToya Sesson, Sandy Somerville
1.    Rules and Regulations
Many homeowners are not giving the rules and regulations to their tenants.  We will send copies by email if they give us an email address. 
The rules and regulations will be enforced across the board.  We have to be consistent.    Fines will be levied and those not paying will be taken to court.  All board members will have to be involved in enforcing them.
The letter from Butler-Murdock refers to an assessment.  Currently we don't have an assessments so the letter needs to be corrected.  Butler-Murdock has received appropriate instructions as to how to word the letters.  They are also working with ASU to send the correct letters.
Some of the information we have in our data base is inaccurate.  This comes particularly from renters who do not register in the office.  Real estate agents frequently do not inform buyers about the process and owners do not inform their tenants.  We will draw up a letter for agents informing them of the process. 
We will get a print out from the clerk of court's office to have correct contract information on all owners.  It may also be necessary for board members to go door-to-door to see who owns a unit and who is living there.  We need a permanent office person who can keep up with entering this information into the computer. 
Commercial vehicles are not allowed on the property. This is in our rules.  This applies to taxi cabs as well as other commercial vehicles even if they do not have a commercial license.  There is also some confusion about the number of cars each unit owner is allowed to have on the property.
The rules and regulation need to be reviewed and made certain that they are not confusing.
On a motion by Diane and a second by Richard, Judy and Beth were asked to review the rules and make certain they are clear and unambiguous.  The motion passed unanimously. 
Enforcing the rules may require a paid employee to see that they are being observed and fines issued.  Owners will be fined for rental units.
2.     Status of LAS on building 16
The adding of flashing to the building is what caused the increase in the actual bid from their original estimate.  Since our roofer is taking care of the flashing, $10,000 was removed from the bid.  The building has been measured and the materials have been ordered.  LAS will start as soon as the materials arrive.  The awnings over the front door cannot be repaired.  They will need to be replaced.  There are two units which do not have overhangs at all.  They could be used as a test of the ones recommended by LAS.
3.     Accident
A resident, speeding in the driveway, hit a car, tried to run away, jumped the curb and ran into the center of another unit causing great damage.  The resident's insurance will cover the costs.
 LaToya arrived at this time
4.     Status of Finances
Doc proposed that we keep the operating account and move some or all of the money from the local Regions accounts.  This would give us the an operating account, a reserve account, the Baton Rouge Regions account, and a Capital One Interest on Checking account which can be used for signage and possibly the tennis courts.
Doc moved and Richard seconded to move the two local Regions accounts into the Capital One operating account.  The motion passed unanimously.
There are still roofs that need repair.  Insurance from Issac is currently being used to pay for these repairs.
Diane moved and Durel seconded to take Issac insurance money, which is in the reserve account, and move it to the operating account to cover the roof repairs.   After discussion, Diane withdrew her motion.
5.    Signage
Placement of signs at the entrances was discussed.  Each sign would cost $1779.00 if made in mahogany.  A sign made from a composite material would cost $1320.00.  We could have the old sign refurbished and purchase two additional ones to match it.
Doc moved and Richard seconded that we purchase two new mahogany signs for main entrance and refurbish old sign if the price is acceptable.  The motion passed unanimously.
6.     Pool
The pool is being used by many tenants.  The timer for the lights for the pool is not working.  This is being repaired.
7.     Unit 6B
The roof on this unit will be repaired this week.
8.    Miscellaneous
Several questions about bills were presented and answered.
There was a discussion of the tennis courts.  They are currently being pressured washed.  The cracks need to be filled in and then the surface painted.  Durel suggested we do the court closest to the office as a start.  Possibly changing one of the courts for another purpose was discussed but no decision was made.
Ed made a motion to adjourn at 8:25
The next homeowners meeting will be on June 27.  The board will meet at 6:00p.m. on June 25 at Judy's condo 44B.
Transcribed by Beth Johnson
Respectfully submitted,
Judy Miranti, Secretary

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